Much ado

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been back in the city for two weeks. So much has been going on I haven’t even finished unpacking. “Art with Music and Words” on September 24th was well received and we three-Jane Burns, painter and printmaker, Roger Greenwald Norwegian speaker and Brenda Muller on cello had a lot of fun. Now that we know a little more about what we’re doing we’d like to do it again with a group that enjoys experimenting with mixed media. We are open to suggestions.

Since then I’ve written a press release and the publisher, John Parry of Words Indeed, and I have mailed about 50 of them in the hopes that a few people will be so struck by the gorgeous cover on the first page that they won’t pitch it in the waste basket. Book City Book stores has agreed to carry “The Risks of Remembrance” and John and I will soon be calling on some of the smaller book stores that are interested in having poetry books on their shelves … like TWB where I launched my second book, “My Grandmother’s Hair” , and Type. I haven’t been to Of Swallows … yet and can hardly wait to see the set-up and find out more about their programs.

Other plans afoot: food, drink and program for the launch of “Risks … ” at the Heliconian Club, booking readings -so far two are lined up at the Beaches Branch of the TPL in December and at OWN (The Older Women’s Network) in January or February. Both of these will involve me and one or two other poets and maybe a musician or two. Painters welcome. November anyone?

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