Ann Elizabeth Carson is a recently retired psychotherapist and consultant in private practice. She worked with individuals, couples and families with a particular interests in life stage transitions, memory, brain plasticity and expressive therapies. As an older person Ann brings both personal experience and professional expertise to helping older people and their families with the re-definition of our meanings of health, of the aging process and of being elderly. Her own experience with several debilitating chronic illnesses makes her sensitive to the individual, familial and work related areas of concern which individuals and their families must deal with, and alert her to alternative and community resources for health care. Ann Elizabeth consults occasionally by appointment.
Recent Posts
- 49th Shelf
- Aeolus House
- Allen Briesmaster
- Blue Denim Press
- Bonnie Kogos
- Canadian Authors Association
- Dr. Ellen Ryan: Writing, Aging and Spirit
- Gail Anderson-Dargatz
- Gianna Patriarca
- Gore Bay Museum
- Holly Briesmaster
- Inanna Publications
- Jasmine D'Costa
- League of Canadian Poets
- Margo Little (The Manitoulin Writer's Circle)
- Max Layton
- Older Women's Network
- Olive Senior
- Pam Mordecai
- Sean Arthur Joyce
- Sonia DiPlacido
- The Heliconian Club
- The Manitoulin Expositor
- The Manitoulin Writers' Circle
- The Ontario Poetry Society
- The Sudbury Star
- Tower Poetry Society
Event Listings
Latest Blog Posts
- Another Open Door is now available! Oct 23, 2023
- SAVE THE DATE! October 17th, 2023 Book Launch Sep 13, 2023
- April 27th – Poetry Month Event Apr 24, 2023
- April 18th – Salon at The Toronto Heliconian Club Apr 7, 2023
Filling the Ark: A Reading on March 16, 2019
- 49th Shelf
- Allen Briesmaster
- Blue Denim Press
- Bonnie Kogos
- Canadian Authors Association
- Dr. Ellen Ryan: Writing, Aging and Spirit
- Gail Anderson-Dargatz
- Gianna Patriarca
- Gore Bay Museum
- Holly Briesmaster
- Inanna Publications
- Jasmine D'Costa
- League of Canadian Poets
- Margo Little (The Manitoulin Writer's Circle)
- Max Layton
- Older Women's Network
- Olive Senior
- Pam Mordecai
- Sean Arthur Joyce
- Sonia DiPlacido
- The Heliconian Club
- The Manitoulin Expositor
- The Manitoulin Writers' Circle
- The Ontario Poetry Society
- The Sudbury Star
- Tower Poetry Society